Imperfect Produce

For about 6 or 8 months now, I've been using the delivery service, Imperfect Produce. If you've never heard of it, the company delivers you exactly what they advertise....imperfect produce (plus some various pantry items). According to their website, 20% of produce grown in the U.S. never makes it to the grocery store due to its imperfections - too small, not the "correct" color, a little misshapen, a surplus of that particular item, etc. Their goal is to reduce food waste by sending this produce to you for about 30% less than what you'd pay in the store. You can get conventional produce or organic, various pantry items like pasta or salad dressings, and they're even now doing dairy items. Their selection various due to what's available, and you get to choose what you want. Do you want just fruits? Just veggies? A mixed box? You also get to choose how much and the frequency at which you want your items delivered.

My honest review? I really like Imperfect Produce. Here's why:
1. Comes straight to my door. With an 8 month old, it's not always easy to get out just for produce. It's nice to know I've got some coming my way.

2. It's definitely cheaper than the grocery store. Who doesn't like to save money?

3. I get to customize my box. And I get sent a reminder to do so. They typically pick stuff for me in my box, but I can add or subtract anything I want. Maybe they added peaches one week, but I just went to the farmer's market for peaches. So, I take those out and I can add a cantaloupe instead. Maybe I'm out of salad fixings, so I stock up on whatever they've got available.

4. It's kept cold while on the delivery truck. It's nice to know my produce isn't just sitting on a hot truck all day.

5. I get text notifications about my imperfect produce box. They text me when it's about an hour away and when it was delivered. This is nice because on really hot days or rainy days, I can get out to the front porch and grab it really quick.

6. It's doing good for the planet. I really try not to waste a lot of food. We all do, I know, but it's kind of cool knowing I'm doing something to at least try to reduce food waste in the world.

7. The website tells you why a certain item is available. This way, I know what and why I'm getting something. For example, the limes I just ordered were not perfect in color (see pic below).

8. If I'm all stocked up on produce or we are going to be out of town, I can choose to skip a box at no penalty to me. This is an awesome feature.

9. There's usually a wide variety of stuff to choose from. Maybe I don't think about looking for brussel sprouts when I'm at the store, but when I see they're available to choose, I often think yes, I'll get those and make roasted sprouts! Gets me to "shop" outside the box a little.

10. They're adding more items all the time! They have a fruit, veggie, pantry, and now a dairy section. You can peruse through all their items, and they often have some really unique stuff. In my box today, I got a nitro cold brew with oat milk. This is perfect for me since I'm dairy free right now and definitely have been feeling the need for some caffeine. My husband is super into kombucha right now, so I got him a 4 pack of a strawberry basil kombucha to try.

A few cons, but they're not enough to get me to cancel my subscription:
1. The products available don't stay the same each week. I get why, but sometimes I really need and want peppers, but they're just not available that week.

2. On a few occasions, my produce has gone bad faster than I would have anticipated. But, I know this can happen with any produce you buy from the grocery store or farmer's market, so again, it's not enough of a reason for me to stop my subscription.

Here's the link if you want to check it out! Imperfect Produce

Interested? Reach out to me and I can refer a friend. We'll both get a discount on our next box.

Here are a few pics of some of the things I got this week!

These look absolutely perfect! Must have been a surplus. 

The lime on the left is a little brown. The one on the right looks perfect. 

Some of their other offerings I chose to pick up. 


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