Delicious Drink Recipes

In an earlier post, I referenced a white and red sangria recipe as well as a dangerously delicious alcoholic beverage we used to consume while at Indiana University as college kids. Here they are! Enjoy and tweak as you see fit :)

Red Sangria:
Makes about 8-10 servings
  • 3 bottles of red wine 
  • 1 1/2 cup brandy
  • 3 cups lemonade
  • 1 cup triple sec
  • 2 tablespoons agave syrup
  • Juice of one orange
  • Orange slices
  • Apple slices
  • Other fruit chunks (strawberry, peach, lemon, etc.) 
Mix all ingredients together and let stand for at least 2-3 hours to meld flavors (longer if possible!)

Notes & Tips!:
1. You can use any red wine you want, really. I usually pick a pinot noir, grenache, or a red blend. Your other ingredients like the juices will sweeten up your wine. 
2. Don't have lemonade, OJ, or agave to sweeten up your sangria? Make a simple syrup! Simple syrup is equal parts water & sugar heated until the sugar dissolves. Let cool & mix with wine & other ingredients. I'd do 1/2 - 1 cup of simple syrup for this recipe.
4. Want a sangria spritzer? Just mix your sangria with some seltzer water. Yum :)

White Sangria:
Super similar to the red sangria, I love this one from Rachel Ray! Rachel Ray's White Sangria

Crick Water:
This is the dangerously delicious drink I was writing about earlier. You should not really be able to taste the alcohol in this, which is what makes it dangerous. Let's just say we had lots of fun drinking this while in college. Now, all of this is mixed to taste so you've got to just be willing to try as you go. But, here are some basic measurements. 
  • 1/2 gallon vodka
  • 1 fifth gin
  • 4 liters of Sprite
  • 1 container of lemonade mix (such as Country Time)
  • 3-4 lemons sliced
  • 1-2 limes sliced
Mix & taste. You can also sub the vodka and gin for Everclear, but that gets even more dangerous, I think. 


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